How to remove fat from the back and sides

If the goal is to get rid of fat folds only on the back, then this is hardly feasible. However, it is quite realistic to bring the muscles into a tonus and strengthen them in the whole department.
How to remove excess fat from the back?
The fact is that you can not burn fat only on a certain small part of the body. In any case, you need to work through the whole body and only then you can expect a really good effect. Of course, you can tonify specific muscles and make them stronger and thereby get rid of the problem in this area. The necessary result can be obtained by combining such exercises with cardioworkouts (jogging, exercises on the simulators – it is not important what to use specifically, the main thing is that the training brings pleasure).
So, when the back is the most problematic area, it is recommended to start with training aimed at strengthening it. Most often, girls do not pay due attention to this zone, concentrating on other muscle groups and ignoring the problem of excess fat on the back.
In principle, this is normal, because rarely a person sees a reflection of his back of the body in the mirror, always more interested in the front. Therefore, many people simply forget about the back, and its strengthening is very important and not only in terms of aesthetics.
Examination of this muscle group allows to improve and level the posture, which by itself implies strengthening of the waist. In addition, the shoulders are generally stronger in the upper back. Because of the bent back, it may appear that there are fatty folds, even if in fact there are none.
Effective exercises from fatty folds on the back
As already mentioned above, concentrating on the development of the muscles of the back, you can improve the posture and get a slender beautiful figure.
№1. Pull-ups
Such trainings are the best for improving posture. Do not be afraid of these exercises, they just seem very complicated. Moreover, there are many different variations that simulate these movements. In addition, some of them can be performed at home and in the gym to increase the load, to double the process of obtaining the desired result.
Since the back consists of a large number of different muscles, this training is necessary, which would be aimed at working out the whole number. Such exercises are pull-ups, thanks to which all muscles begin to work as one whole. Naturally, not everyone succeeds in holding out and not giving up classes at the very beginning. But this is a bad example to follow. The goal is set and it is necessary to achieve it!
It should be noted that this exercise will be most effective if it is carried out with an external grip (the bar crosses its palms outwards). Of course, the other option is much easier, but in this case, almost all the load falls on the bicep.
Variations simulating the usual pull-up:
- Negative pull-up using the stand. On the stand it is necessary to stand so that the body is in the position of a complete jerk. It’s smoother to go down, controlling the movement.
- Use of mechanisms. Those are in all gyms and most often they are empty, frightening everyone with their terrible appearance. But in terms of mastering the spurt, they are excellent assistants. First it is recommended to look at a clear example of how to work with them, and then find a coach and ask him to show the exercises and tell about the specifics of classes with these mechanisms.
- Use of a rope (TRX). A great exercise to work out the top of the back, namely the largest muscles of the body. In most gyms there is such a rope.
№2. Exercises with dumbbells
You need a bench, a table, or something like that. Put the right knee on the stand and take a 1-2-kg dumbbell to the left hand. A little deviate back and raise the projectile, bending the arm up. Tension in the upper back should be felt. Run 12 times and change your hand.
No. 3. Drag of the Renegade
Accept the position as when pushing and slightly push the right leg aside. Hand to rest in one dumbbell (up to 3 kg) and take the second in the other hand. The shell lift up until the moment when the elbow reaches the limit level.
№4. Boat
It is performed in the supine position. For this exercise, you can use a sports ball. Take in the hands of kilogram dumbbells and strain your back, slightly lift the chest. Raise your hands up, then spread out to the sides, and then forward, touching the head (shown in the photo).
Excellent exercise for the deltoid muscle, which takes part in the construction of posture. Most often it is very weak, therefore it is recommended to perform this exercise with a light weight to create a load.
№5. Push ups
It is the basic exercise for strengthening the thoracic department. However, when it is properly performed, the spinal muscles also receive their energy impulse. Take the classic push-up position and lower the body so that the tension in the back is felt. The slopes should be done smoothly, without hurrying, concentrating on reducing. Hold the body under 3 seconds, return to the starting position, straining the chest section.
№6. Jump Rope
At first glance, it seems that only the shoulders work in this exercise, in fact, the whole back strains. In addition, this is a good cardio exercise for weight loss. The only requirement is a serious attitude to this element of the training.
№7. Exercise bike
This is an excellent training apparatus for working out the upper back, which will help to quickly return a good shape. It is difficult for beginners to train on it for more than 5 minutes, so start with reasonable loads.
№8. Traction simulator
The popularity of this device is explained by the effective rapid strengthening of the back. A simple but effective exercise, in which the back of the body is strengthened. It is recommended to work with these simulators under the supervision of the trainer.
№9. Plyometric movements, cardio
To improve the effectiveness of the training after each exercise should be done plyometric movements. It is necessary that the upper part work together with the lower part of the back. That is, the same muscle groups are used, but more dynamic.
After performing any of the exercises listed, you should do a discharge for 30 seconds. One option is to lift a gymnastic ball above the head with a weight of 5 kg. It is important to feel the tension of the muscles of the back. Then make the maximum strong throw. It uses the power of the dorsal muscles. However, care should be taken, as this exercise increases the pulse rate. Nevertheless, in the issue of the effectiveness of fat burning this type of exercise is not equal.
All listed elements are recommended to perform 3 approaches 2-3 times a week. You can also select from the list of several exercises you like and concentrate on them. Soon the result will be noticeable not only for you, but also for others: a beautiful posture, an ideal back without excess fat. You will even become taller, even a couple of centimeters, but it will be noticeable! Your gait will be light, the movements are confident, and the figure is perfect!